Terms and Conditions
General Conditions of Use
Accessing this web site implies that you have agreed to the following:
The contents of this website (which includes downloadable material) are subject to copyright and are protected by laws of Australia and other countries through international treaties.
Byron Shire Council grants you a non-exclusive license to reproduce the contents of this website in your web browser (and in any cache file produced by your web browser) for the sole purpose of viewing the content. Byron Shire Council reserves all other rights.
This Web-site, including the DAs Online facility provided within it, is for information purposes only, and is provided in good faith.
Although every effort is made to ensure the relevance, accuracy, currency and timeliness of content, Byron Shire Council accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy, correctness or otherwise of any information on the pages published within this site (including the DAs Online facility provided).
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and subject only to statute, Byron Shire Council does not warrant that the information on the pages published within this site (including the DAs Online facility provided) can be relied upon, expressly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of quality or accuracy or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of any information on the page published within this site (including the DAs Online facility provided).
This facility is under constant amendment to provide the latest and most accurate information available. Some information may, however, not be current. Changes in circumstances after time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the information provided by this website. In addition, information published and transmitted electronically may be subject to corruption by the process. Viewers must take account of all of the above when accessing published information.
No person should place reliance on information from this website (including the DAs Online facility provided) in circumstances where loss, damage or injury is possible. This is particularly important should you wish to use any information for any legal purpose.
Specific enquiries should be made to Council in order to obtain the required information or advice directly from Council Officers and to otherwise ascertain the accuracy of all information contained within these pages. In some cases, you may be required to make a written application to Council to obtain the desired information or advice.
Byron Shire Council is under no liability to any person in respect of any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage) that may be suffered or incurred, or which may arise directly or indirectly, in respect of information on the pages published within this site (including the DAs Online facility provided).
In addition, Byron Shire Council accepts no responsibility for email or any other form of correspondence sent to or from this site via the internet. Except as otherwise required by law, there is no obligation upon Council to read, respond or to deal with in any way, any such transmissions. Users who contact Council via this medium do so at their own liability and without onus upon Council.
Council recognizes your concern for security, and will use all reasonable efforts to establish secure connections with you.
Notwithstanding the above, please be assured that the Council highly values all electronic contacts and will attempt to offer the highest levels of customer service by treating them in a similar manner to all other forms of contact with the Council.
Applications: DA Information
The information on this website is provided to customers for the purposes of enquiring on various aspects of development applications. The documents and information made available for the development applications is deemed to be open access information under the relevant sections of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, however they do not represent a detailed history. Persons wishing to confirm information in detail should contact Council in writing in order to obtain a written response.
I have read and understood the provisions set out above.